Gawdawpalin Bagan MyanmarName: Gawdawpalin Temple
Built by: King Narapatisithu
Built in: AD 1090
Style: -Early 13th century Late Bagan Period
Location: At Old Bagan
Monument Number: No. 607

Gawdawpalin Temple

The Gawdawpalin Temple was built by King Narapatisithu after building the Sulamani Temple. But the king did not complete the construction. It was completed by his son Htilominlo. It is located about 3 miles south of the Bu Pagoda on the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River. It is about 180 feet high and the structure is common like the Sulamani temple.
There is a story saying that King Narapatisithu became so powerful and so proud that he proclaimed that his powers were more glorious accomplished matched to his ancestors. Just after that, he became blind until he came to give his regards and his forebears made, paid obeisance in atonement for his misdemeanor.

Bagan Map